Sunday, February 17, 2008

Christina Aguilera Goes TOO Intimate on Interview

Of course you are allowed to be happy to be a mom and proud of your baby but there’s a limit, there should be… I just can’t hear details about pushing and vaginal tear. NO, please…
Christina Aguilera is such a proud mommy and she is soo fascinated with the pregnancy and birth experience she wants us to know all about it.

On giving birth: "I didn't want any surprises. Honestly, I didn't want any vaginal tearing. I had heard horror stories of women going in and having to have an emergency C-section anyway. The hardest part was deciding on his birthday. I wanted to leave it up to fate, but at the same time I was ready to be done early!"
On Jordan during birth: “He wasn’t squeamish at all and he had the video camera ready to go.”
On Max's first nickname: "He was just a little circle, and the doctor said it was the yolk sac. His nickname throughout the pregnancy was Yolky and I was Mama Yolky. Now he's the Baby Formerly Known As Yolky."
On looking forward to Max's firsts: "I can't wait to see him wiggle his little bootie and stomp his feet for the first time. As exciting as it's been so far, it's still only the beginning."
On getting Max associated with music: "Yesterday we had Led Zeppelin blaring through the house. Most new moms play Beethoven, but we're playing Metallica, Bob Marley, the Stones."
On getting back to her original size: "My body is going back to its normal shape, and I'm like, 'Did [the pregnancy] ever happen?' I've never had more respect for the female body."
Get your daily fix of cuteness with baby Max photos here!

(Photos of Christina Aguilera and hubby Jordan Bratman out on Valentine’s Day)

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